Thursday, August 23, 2012

This post is a few thoughts on your brain. Yes, your brain, not mine. You see I have been learning things again and if you know me at all you will know that i like to share whatever it is i stumble on that i believe could benefit others.
So here are the 2 simple thoughts of the day.

1. Self-hypnosis prayer, or meditation are all aspects of the same thing. It has worked for others for thousands of years and your version can work for you too. You already do this a little bit, and with some training, a book or an instructor you can get really good at it. It wil help you get the things you want or solve problems or focus on a job. The secret is to ritualize it. Spend just 10-20 minutes everyday for about three weeks sitting at the same time in the same place and you will learn how it works and most importantly train yourself and your mind to quickly and easily access the other levels of brain activity.

2. You have an RAS. It's the Reticulating Activation System, and it is old, from our hunter gatherer days. It is the part of your brain that identifies and catalogues every experience for you automatically. it may be causing you problems. See if you have a recurring theme in your life like holding  a long term job, financial battles that go from paid off credit to back into collection, or relationships that seem to go out the same way as the last one. The RAS functions like a computer program and making you do things SUBCONSCIOUSLY that are NOT helping. It creates behaviour patterns that are linked to SURVIVAL not culture. Unfortunately human civilization doesn't need these survival codes as much anymore, at least not for most of us. The RAS is what gets you to notice every other car like the one you just bought for about a month. IT is also the thing that makes you bail when losing an argument as a youth can triggers feelings of flight 15 years later duru=ing a discussion about a similar topic. How do you deal with it? Find the bad program loops and reload new and better ones. make a list of all the platitudes, phrases and ideals that you may have learned over time, especially ones you might have learned very young.
For me it was "money is the root of all evil" I heard my grandmother speak that when I was very young and it stuck. it became a program and it made me subconsiously not want to have or hold too much money ever.
I know it isn't true now, but I got rid of money almost as fast as I had it because my programming was telling me it was evil. I have a new program now, but how much could I have saved, or invested  if had discovered this bizarre truth 20 or 30 years ago.
Think hard about the areas in your life that are cyclic problems I bet you can find one or more statements that relate. Get rid of them by just repeating a new version of the bad statement in a positive way.
Here a  few to get you moving.
If you want something done do it yourself. -this might be preventing you from getting help
Men/Women, can't live with em. - of course you can, thousands of people do and benefit from the love.
Money can't buy happiness. - true,emotional states aren't for sale but it can buy events and things that bring us pleasure.

You get the idea.