Monday, October 27, 2008

Busy is good.

Well, Here I am again ponying up with a new blog after what seems like forever. In truth I have been busy with work and family and volunteer society stuff. Actually I am smokin busy right now.
I am posting here because I just had my moments of zen out in the hot tub and I feel all relaxy and inspired. That is good too because I pulled a calf muscle yesterday in the last five minutes of the football game so I have been hobbling around all day, and probably for another week. It is showing improvement though so no tears and I will heal. We won incidentally, and beat a team that thumped us 42-0 a few weeks back. So good play by all. Go Rats!

I came to post about being busy. I am beginning the edits for the completion of Island Writer Magazine. I have all the submissions and the winners as chosen by the editorial board. So I am about to start the formating, layout business which will take up the rest of my time until I go on a well deserved vacation to celebrate my 2oth anniversary. Both of these things are both superinspirational and motivating. I want to get as much done on the mag so I can relax when I am gone. I also want to get the magazine ready for whenI return so I can do some quick art additions and ad placement and go the the printers. It's one of those things that seem like if it's done well it will be great feather in my cap. If not, I will have to live with that shame, at least until the next issue. It made me realize that the busier you get, the more you get done. Everything really does seem to connect to everything else, and the more you get on your plate the more you get through. MAybe you don't nail everthing perfectly, but you accomplish more of each in the same amount of time you might have used to do one thing. I once heard that "If you shoot for the moon and miss, you still have reached a target most people won't even try for. "

Good advice.
Go get something else to add to your mix. See how it adds to your need to be organized lets you get more done. And don't forget my favorite phrase of the year "How would I be doing this if I was willing to let it be easy."
