Friday, May 30, 2008

The Now

I truly wish I could live in the now like a Zen master. As yet I do not have the secret. I get angry, sad happy confused etc. The Now seems like an unemotional place, distant and removed from hamanity in a good way. Like living outside the ugliness of the negative emotions. But we are drawn to share. We share our pain and suffering more than our joy and happiness. We tend to be suspicious of happy people. We ask; "Are they really happy?" or surmise, "Perhaps he's on drugs."
Yet let someone start telling you their problem or complaining about something and we're often all ears. I blame the TV news. I know I shouldn't cast blame, but seriously, the last time I saw something that cheered me, that made want to clap or shout or laugh on the "news" I cannot remember. And, that is their fault. They choose to show us what we've taught them we want to watch. I am quitting. No more news. I might not be able to live in the now, but I can choose not to live in other peoples pain or sorrow and that's what TV news shares. So I am not watching. I might even stop checking the weather. Than would be zen. I would not care because the weather is just what it is. That would be living in the now. If I want to check weather, I'll go outside and look around.
Maybe I can do this Now thing.
I just have to start small.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

As Time Goes By

Well another meeting with the VWS fiction group has passed, and I noticed after that it has been ages in net time since I blogged here.
Where does the time go?
Much has happened since my last post. I started a new position with a great company, Aqua Pacific Pools and Spas, and then the neighbouring building burnt two weeks later. So we have limited access to the shop and no retail at all.
I am doing sporadic work in the field now, service calls for customers openings and repairs.

My novel is itching at me again so it is time to get back to it. Fiction is such an amazing mistress, sometimes you can't wait and sometimes she pushes you away until it's time.

Well, enough for now.
I have a website to create and fiction that needs me.