Friday, February 26, 2010

Late again, I know.
It's about priorities I guess. Life sneaks up and deliverers all sorts of things that need attention in each moment. The office phone is ringing, there are reports to write and emails to respond to and perhaps even family matters and household business to deal with. What theses attention fires have is the power to pull you from what you want. Sometimes job completetion and family matters are what you want, it's just difficult to see the goal during the process sometimes. The secret is to steer your own life through goal setting and focus. I don't mean to sit down and write a detailed plan for every element of your existence and stick to like it's a law. Life doesn't work that way. But if you set out a few clearly defined results for the end of every week or month, and devote a few minutes to review your progress each day, you will get more accomplished toward any goal than if you didn't have a plan. This isn't rocket science or a tightly structured model. Just focus on a few little things and be amazed when you discover how easy it was to get them done. The secret forces of the universe will move to help you, sometimes in ways you might never have planned. So dream a few dreams, write them down and plan to do a little each day next week towards their accomplishment. Nothing is perfect but you will find yourself getting things done and answers or solutions to HOW things can be fulfilled will just come to you.
I managed to get this blog done, and only a couple of days late. But isn't that an improvement over my last few posts? Set something down and force yourself to review it, othewrwise it will get shuffled out of the way by things you are reacting to. Maybe that's the key. Proaction vs reaction. Reading your own plan and trying to stay on topic is more successful than hoping for results when you are reacting to other things around you. Remember, your plan won't ring. you will never have to answer it, but if you set the time to read it againyou just might develop a habit of succeeding.

Be Well.


Sunday, February 21, 2010

I have been coerced into updating this page.
I didn't want to be, but my anonymous commenter was right. I have been lax and simply failed to complete what I set out to do. I didn't intend it to turn out like this, but then isn't that true for lots of things in our lives. Good intentions often get waylaid by interruptions beyond our control, or lack of preparation, or simple laziness. For me, this time, I think it was guilt. I simply haven't had much worth telling, and I felt badly about that. Things seem incomplete. I want to inspire you and me when I right things here. Lately well there hasn't been much to tell. Inspiration is one of those fleeting emotions that hit you like an adrenaline rush and fade quickly, once the idea solidifies and the process of acting on it sets in. I think some great people in the world are genetically prepared to blast through the idea, process, completion stage of things readily. I don't think I am one of them.
I am still full of ideas, plans, and dreams. I just need to find space and time and enough order and organization to get through to all of them. I might be on the right track now, but I can't tell you what it is yet until I am sure. I don't want to be embarrassed here any further. So new posts will be about progress, discoveries, or real insights and inspirations.
Until then try this little technique if you are like me once in a while.
Find something that needs doing.
Desk cleaning, dishes, laundry, filing, calls to clients....whatever needs doing go to it. No before you start the doing, stare a the task at hand for a few minutes. Just wait until you feel the need to act. You will be amazed at how much your brain begins to impel you towards completion of any task just y witnessing it and being restrained. THe human brain wants something to do. This is the difference between external " I should file all those bills" and internal or natural motivation
"I want to clean up this mess."
Natural motivation is in all of us, but it is attuned to different things. The reason external type pressure might not have worked in the past is because your natural mind just didn't care about the project. Your conscious mind might have impelled you to do something, but if your natural mind was involved it would have went smooth and easy until complete. Thanks for listening. More on Wednesday.