Friday, March 5, 2010


Once again it happened that a person in my life is obviously there to show me something, or teach me something about myself. I am learning. This time it all happened backwards. You see, I thought I was the one to do the teaching and the lecturing, and the educating and the helping. And I like to think that the relationship is equal in that regard. I believe I have offered wisdom, of a certain type, that will help this other person move forward. At the same time the insights I offered pointed out glaring omissions in my own life. Looking at your world through a different perspective is like looking at your house from the Google Earth view. Oh you know it's yours, but you're used to seeing it a certain way, and the new perspective highlights different things. I am not entirely sure I like the things that I have become aware of, but that doesn't make it any less true.
For me, the old adage is true, and the teacher also learns from the student.
Thank you student for what I have learned.
Look at the people newest in your life that you are drawn too. I bet, if you are patient, you will both learn a thing or two. About each other surely, but also something about yourselves and sometimes that's the most difficult lesson to learn.