Friday, November 13, 2009

Cash is King

Most of you might be surprised to know that I am only just learning to understand the mythical world of finance. It's true. I am great at spending money. I am a perfect consumer, I love impulse buying, and even " feeling sorry for myself" shopping. I buy stuff because it makes me feel good. Unfortunately I buy a lots of stuff on credit which means debt. It means I have been suckered in to believing that the best thing I can do in my life is buy whatever I want for minimum monthly payments. That's what the great North American marketing machine is always telling us, and I know because I have used the same tactic. But, we are being bamboozled out of our paycheques.

So this week my advice to you is to get a handle on your credit cards, and destroy them if you can. Promise yourself that they are for emergency use only. (shoes are not an emergency purchase, even on sale) You see, when you buy stuff on credit you are spending next week's unmade money. Sometimes it's next month's or next year's money even. If you are like most people you live about three paycheques away from serious trouble. So kill the credit and make cash the king. This discipline is empowering because the work you do today won't go for something like the pizza you bought last week. Trust me on this. Debt free means all the money you make is yours and not a bank or card companies who are killing your life with interest, the fee that let you borrow you money in the first place. Get that under control and then we'll talk about your mortgage, which comes from the words Death and Grip. Yikes!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Attraction, getting what you want.

There are lots of people in this world who are getting what they want in life without knowing how it will come to them. This concept is promoted in hundreds of books, video and audio programs including The Science of Getting Rich, and the phenomenon it spawned, The Secret. As well as many others. I haven't read all the others, but I am familiar with the concept. Simply put, you will get more of what you think about. The focus of your mind more than directs your actions. It somehow causes the world to act to deliver your desire. This is essentially how meditation and prayer try to focus our thoughts. If you want the real science behind this concept read Lynne McTaggerts book, "The Field." The skeptics among you will be forced to at least face the possibility that,"there is a thinking substance in which all thoughts are made manifest." For my part I am on a quest for a couple of things in the very near future. I will not reveal them here yet, but will update progress weekly. This will accomplish two things. It will keep my focus on the goal and force me to examine any progress. If you want to try one, make a brief list of things you have worried about in the past week. Now, imagine what your life would FEEL like if the energy you spent worrying had been directed at more positive goals, or things the give you joy and pleasure. The law of attraction says that if you think about money problems you will get money problems. If you think about money, you will get money. It is a subtle difference in the way you approach the thinking. So resist thinking about what you lack and focus on what you want for the next month. Write it down and keep track of things that come to you from out of nowhere. If it doesn't work, well you are in the same position as when you started, but if it does work, you have changed a part of your life. That is powerful. It doesn't really matter if it's mojo or voodoo or prayer or hope in your world, if it works for you and changes lives why question it. Just go and attract what you do want, instead of what you don't.
All the Best.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

A new me.

Wow. It seems like ages since I have been here. As per my last post I have indeed been busy, busy, busy. Somehow it seems like I have accomplished very little in that time, although I had much to do. My life was full, but unrewarding. I have been living paycheck to paycheck and sometimes on credit. The spiral was definitely downward. Don't feel bad for me. I honestly didn't really notice. Like thousands of people I was just moving steady on somewhat oblivious to how I was thinking and acting in the world. I have learned a new thing or two that will make huge differences.

My life is about to make a rapid and significant change. I secrets that I have discovered will make a massive difference in my financial situation, and in turn all my relationships will improve as a result of me being able to be the best me there is. That's one of the secrets. by learning to be the very best person you can be, others will hover around you. Money and lucrative projects will fall in your lap. Your life will change and all the benefits of wealth will be yours. It is far easier to do good from a position of wealth than a position of poverty. So if you knew the secret of wealth, what would you do with it? How would you make a change in the world?

I will keep you posted here. And for those of you keeping score Iwil rate my current situation in life .
Based on Job prospects, passive income, relationships and net worth I am currently at a 6.
I am absolutely certain that within one week that number will change, and by year end I wil be constantly operating at a ten level. Keep in touch and I will continue to reveal my progress weekly. ANd let you in on as many secrets as I can.

All the Best
